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Go Paperless with Eminance Signature Pad

It's just one more way in which we can reduce the amount of paperwork in your practice and contribute towards a greener planet.

By using a signature pad, you can do away with filing mounds of paper.  From initial consultation forms where the patient undertakes to be responsible for the account, through to consent forms for procedures.  

The signature pad is a thin slim unit, where the patient can sign on the pad, either using the finger or a stylus and the signature, along with the form is saved and linked to the patient record.  The form can be viewed (or even printed) at any time.  The important aspect is that the signature is stored electronically.  No more hunting for forms, misfiling of important documents or getting back to the patient later.

It's a real simple process.  You create a once off custom document either using the built in word processor or your word processor of preference (even our voice activated voice-to-text system works) and once someone  signs on the pad, their signature will form part of the document.

The process is seamless and simple. The document is saved in the industry standard PDF format, linked to the patient's file.  It can be accessed at any time and can even be forwarded by email.

The pad is USB driven and a single document template can be setup which allows for initialing of each page.  There are a host of models available with your choice based on your budget and needs.

But we have gone one step further than just assigning an electronic signature to a document.  Some of the main features include:

  • Templates are created within Eminance where location(s) can be set for a signature.  You are free to design any form you like and have the signature appear where you want it.
  • These templates can be activated and the required information, like patient demographics or even diagnosis and procedures will auto populate on the document. 
  • Once Eminance sees the location marker it will prompt for a signature, saving you time and eliminating the learning curve.  It's a complete intuitive solution. 
  • The patient signs the document which can then be saved to the patients notes folder 
  • The document can be easily retrieved and even emailed to the patient 

We even cater for the demands of tomorrows security requirements.  Some of the security features include:

  • PDF documents can be signed inside the pad and not in the insecure environment of the PC.
  • The biometric data of the signature can be RSA-encrypted inside the pad using a public key.
  • RSA-signature of the displayed content and signature.
  • Upon delivery, each pad has a separate and unique RSA certificate for signing.
  • Storing of custom RSA-certificates inside the pad.
  • The pad can generate a RSA certificate.
  • Supported schemes are RSA PKCS # 1 v1.5 (with or without the hash OID), PKCS # 1 v2.1
  • Certificates can be certified by a Root Authority
  • Supported hash algorithms are SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512.

A host of different types of signature pads are available and integrate seamlessly into Eminance. Detailed specifications and models compatible with Eminance are available on this link.

Signature Pads for Eminance


For any enquiries please contact our call centre on 087 750 8157 or the office on +27(21) 7901124 or email us